Saturday, July 30, 2011

Benefits for baby babbling

"You've heard the babble-babble baby ... ... ..."Do you feel troubled by it?

... Hopefully not, because the chatter is the need and benefit to the baby.Did you know that your baby is a powerful communications expert, and we also understand that the babies are great not just be pointed at but can also do other things.

Since the first month of life, we've often heard the cries, murmurs and laughter. Sometimes, just feels a surprise when I discovered the crying peak occurs around the age of two months and will decline thereafter. Often in their first months, we heard a series of vowels in his throat, for example, "i.. I.. I. '," a.. A.. A "," u ... u ... u "and so on. It would be awesome if we respond to this, all issued by the body, as if they were part of a "conversation".

We even have convinced ourselves, though contrary to fact, that they had a meaningful contribution and each different sound indicating the condition of the baby's body is different (like, hungry or wet).

Around the age of seven months, infant subsequent success, that they began to babble. The first consonant (eg, ma ga ... ..., ta ..., pa ...) occurs when the baby's lips and decided to make a sound at the same time. Parents realize that it sounds like a conversation. Often the babies utter conversation understood only by their own (example: ".. ta ta ta .. pa .. pa .. pa .. ma ...?").

And at the end of the first year of our children often seem to ramble. Although babble that means nothing, but this is an important step for a baby in an attempt to master the larynx (larynx) and the volume of each person. That is why babies often shouted or whispered, in doing so they actually began to know the workings of their organs.

Babies have some clever way to show what is really desired. Although he did not have words to objects around it, to get what he wants, he can do from a sound continuously, pointing, shaking his head, jump, mencodongkan body and so forth.

It was clear he would not get anything if you do not have a parent or caregiver who appreciate the effort to communicate. This is where we should play a role with respect "message" of our children as if what it expresses clear and easy to understand when in reality is the opposite.Do you remember, how your baby's first babbling?

Sometimes all the wonderful things done before the baby's first words are often ignored or not getting a response. Do you know how much effort in analyzing the language of our children before said her first word? And do you know when you hear the chatter-chatter they can make you stay young?

From now on very important to start listening and responding to your baby babble.

Smile to your baby's babbling and join with them ... ..

Friday, July 29, 2011

Playing since the Early Stimulation for Children's Intelligence

Was it stimulating play early on? According to Dr. Soedjatmiko, SpA (K), MSI, consultant pediatrician growth and development, early stimulation is the stimulation of play since the newborn. Stimulation or stimulation should be performed since the age of 6 month fetus in the womb. Why? 

Stimulation is believed to affect the growth of synapses (sinaptogenesis process), which requires a lot of sialic acid to form gangliosida, which is essential to speed the process of learning and memory.
Stimulation should be done with joy, affection, and every day to stimulate all the sensory system. Furthermore, it should also stimulate the movement of coarse and fine legs, hands and fingers, invite communication, and stimulate a good feeling from the minds of infants and toddlers. 

Stimulation is done with the atmosphere of play and compassion, from birth, continuous, and varied, will stimulate the establishment of branches of brain cells, doubling the number of relationships between cells of the brain to form a more complex brain circuitry, sophisticated, and powerful. Thus, the higher the intelligence of children and varied (multiple intelligence).
Then, how to stimulate the fetus is still in the womb? The mother or father can do this by speaking near the belly of the mother, singing songs, reading the prayers, religious songs, stroking the abdomen of the mother. Can also play songs with earphones stuck in the mother or the mother's abdomen also listen to the song. 

 There is some literature that says that listening to classical music good for brain development of children. If you really want to play classical music on children, it is also important for the mother loved the songs. Therefore, the mother's mood can also affect the baby. Stimulation should be done every day, every time the mother can interact with the fetus, eg, while bathing, cooking, washing clothes, gardening, and so on.
As for babies and toddlers, stimulation can be done in various ways according to developmental age, for example:
Age 0-3 months, give comfort, safe, and fun, hugging, holding, looking into the eyes baby, bring a smile, ringing sound or music, brightly colored moving objects, object sounds, overthrow the baby to the right / left, prone-supine, and stimulated to grab and hold toys.
3-6 months of age, can play "peekaboo", see the baby's face in the mirror, is stimulated to his stomach, back and forth on your back, sit down.
Age 6-9 months, calling his name, shaking hands, clapping, read fairy tales, excitatory sitting, standing holding practice.
Age 9-12 months, repeated calls mama-papa, brother, put toys into containers, drinking from a glass, roll the ball, practice standing, holding onto the street.

Age 12-18 months, training with doodles colored pencils, stacking cubes, blocks, pieces of simple images (puzzle), insert and remove small objects from the container, playing with dolls, spoons, plates, glasses, pots, broom, lap, and others.
Train to run without a handle, the way backward, climb stairs, kick a ball, loose pants, understand and perform simple commands (where the ball, hold it, enter it, grab it), name or showing objects.

Age 18-24 months, ask, say, point to body parts (eyes, nose, ears, mouth, etc.), ask the image or name the animals and objects around the house, talk about daily activities ( eating, drinking, bathing), exercise a line drawing, wash hands, wear-pants, throw balls, jump, and others.
Age 2-3 years, coupled with knowing and mention the color, use an adjective (big-small, hot-cold, high-low, many-few, and others), specify the name of a friend, count objects, wear clothes, toothbrush, playing cards, dolls, cook, cooking, drawing lines, circles, people, practice standing on one leg, urination / in the toilet.
After 3 years, in addition to developing abilities earlier age, stimulation is also geared for school readiness, among others, hold a pencil properly, write, recognize letters and numbers, simple arithmetic, understand simple commands (urinating / in the toilet) , and independence (left at school), share with friends, and so forth. Stimulation can be done at home (by caregivers and families), but can also be in play groups, kindergartens, or the like.