Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Heart Disease and Drinking Warm Water

This article is very good. Not only about the warm water after eat, but also about the heart attack. This makes sense ... Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals .. not cold water .. maybe it is time we adopt the habit of drinking warm water as their loss .. No.. even profit .. 

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is suitable for you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, water cold will solidify the oily stuff that you've just eaten. And slow down the digestion of food. When the precipitate is reacted with gastric acid, the sediment will be divided and absorbed by the intestine faster than solid foods. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. 

Best to drink / eat hot soup or warm water after a meal. Serious note about heart attacks: Not all symptoms searngan heart is a pain in the left arm. Beware if there is pain that continues constantly on the jaw.
Maybe we will not experience chest pain when the first heart attack. Nausea and excessive sweating also is a symptom are common. 60% of those having a heart attack when sleep does not wake up.
Pain in the jaw can wake you from sleeping soundly. Be careful and berwaspada. The more we know, the better chance we for survivors. 

A cardiologist says if they are getting this email send it to 10 people, we could save at least 1 lives.
An early indication of cancer & tumor usually begins with a full bag gall stones. Everyone tends to gall stones contain, but in certain circumstances would be a disease, the bottom of this article has given my way out, where four doctors to make sure I have an operation. Because a few weeks ago, I was exposed to hepatitis A and ultrasound results were bile I was full of stones. Gall stones full with ill will we know within normal circumstances, I only found out after doctors perform liver ultrasound and bile. According to Doctor: gall bladder operation with lift bags bile with major surgery or laparaskopi. Costs which we will remove u / surgery tsbt ranged between 40-60 million. (For operations only) 

Please read the original article at the bottom of Dr Lai Chiu-Nan, how removing gallstones without surgery and the cost is very cheap and not damaging our bodies. Subhanallah I have followed his advice and thank God I came out of all gallstones without surgery. (This is not a detox, but like cleaning the stomach). The results of my ultrasound has been full of bile stone, after doing this treatment I requested an ultrasound come back as evidence. It was true ... my gall bladder is empty ... 

Somehow I would like to thank to Dr Lai Chiu-Nan, but I just wanted to share the experience according to the intention of Dr Lai Chiu-Nan share our experience to saudara2 free. Suggestion: For those who well ... try, because when we are sick of acute or chronic ... not taste very good. This is one way of avoiding cancer and tumor and liver function bile: Neutralizes toxins in the body, neutralize fats we Bile asup to dlam body. Both are intertwined ... ... means that the net kedua2nya we have to nourish our bodies normal function of both. 

Healthy belongs to us all .. How nice if we occasionally gall bladder cleanse us.

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