Saturday, July 30, 2011

Benefits for baby babbling

"You've heard the babble-babble baby ... ... ..."Do you feel troubled by it?

... Hopefully not, because the chatter is the need and benefit to the baby.Did you know that your baby is a powerful communications expert, and we also understand that the babies are great not just be pointed at but can also do other things.

Since the first month of life, we've often heard the cries, murmurs and laughter. Sometimes, just feels a surprise when I discovered the crying peak occurs around the age of two months and will decline thereafter. Often in their first months, we heard a series of vowels in his throat, for example, "i.. I.. I. '," a.. A.. A "," u ... u ... u "and so on. It would be awesome if we respond to this, all issued by the body, as if they were part of a "conversation".

We even have convinced ourselves, though contrary to fact, that they had a meaningful contribution and each different sound indicating the condition of the baby's body is different (like, hungry or wet).

Around the age of seven months, infant subsequent success, that they began to babble. The first consonant (eg, ma ga ... ..., ta ..., pa ...) occurs when the baby's lips and decided to make a sound at the same time. Parents realize that it sounds like a conversation. Often the babies utter conversation understood only by their own (example: ".. ta ta ta .. pa .. pa .. pa .. ma ...?").

And at the end of the first year of our children often seem to ramble. Although babble that means nothing, but this is an important step for a baby in an attempt to master the larynx (larynx) and the volume of each person. That is why babies often shouted or whispered, in doing so they actually began to know the workings of their organs.

Babies have some clever way to show what is really desired. Although he did not have words to objects around it, to get what he wants, he can do from a sound continuously, pointing, shaking his head, jump, mencodongkan body and so forth.

It was clear he would not get anything if you do not have a parent or caregiver who appreciate the effort to communicate. This is where we should play a role with respect "message" of our children as if what it expresses clear and easy to understand when in reality is the opposite.Do you remember, how your baby's first babbling?

Sometimes all the wonderful things done before the baby's first words are often ignored or not getting a response. Do you know how much effort in analyzing the language of our children before said her first word? And do you know when you hear the chatter-chatter they can make you stay young?

From now on very important to start listening and responding to your baby babble.

Smile to your baby's babbling and join with them ... ..

Friday, July 29, 2011

Playing since the Early Stimulation for Children's Intelligence

Was it stimulating play early on? According to Dr. Soedjatmiko, SpA (K), MSI, consultant pediatrician growth and development, early stimulation is the stimulation of play since the newborn. Stimulation or stimulation should be performed since the age of 6 month fetus in the womb. Why? 

Stimulation is believed to affect the growth of synapses (sinaptogenesis process), which requires a lot of sialic acid to form gangliosida, which is essential to speed the process of learning and memory.
Stimulation should be done with joy, affection, and every day to stimulate all the sensory system. Furthermore, it should also stimulate the movement of coarse and fine legs, hands and fingers, invite communication, and stimulate a good feeling from the minds of infants and toddlers. 

Stimulation is done with the atmosphere of play and compassion, from birth, continuous, and varied, will stimulate the establishment of branches of brain cells, doubling the number of relationships between cells of the brain to form a more complex brain circuitry, sophisticated, and powerful. Thus, the higher the intelligence of children and varied (multiple intelligence).
Then, how to stimulate the fetus is still in the womb? The mother or father can do this by speaking near the belly of the mother, singing songs, reading the prayers, religious songs, stroking the abdomen of the mother. Can also play songs with earphones stuck in the mother or the mother's abdomen also listen to the song. 

 There is some literature that says that listening to classical music good for brain development of children. If you really want to play classical music on children, it is also important for the mother loved the songs. Therefore, the mother's mood can also affect the baby. Stimulation should be done every day, every time the mother can interact with the fetus, eg, while bathing, cooking, washing clothes, gardening, and so on.
As for babies and toddlers, stimulation can be done in various ways according to developmental age, for example:
Age 0-3 months, give comfort, safe, and fun, hugging, holding, looking into the eyes baby, bring a smile, ringing sound or music, brightly colored moving objects, object sounds, overthrow the baby to the right / left, prone-supine, and stimulated to grab and hold toys.
3-6 months of age, can play "peekaboo", see the baby's face in the mirror, is stimulated to his stomach, back and forth on your back, sit down.
Age 6-9 months, calling his name, shaking hands, clapping, read fairy tales, excitatory sitting, standing holding practice.
Age 9-12 months, repeated calls mama-papa, brother, put toys into containers, drinking from a glass, roll the ball, practice standing, holding onto the street.

Age 12-18 months, training with doodles colored pencils, stacking cubes, blocks, pieces of simple images (puzzle), insert and remove small objects from the container, playing with dolls, spoons, plates, glasses, pots, broom, lap, and others.
Train to run without a handle, the way backward, climb stairs, kick a ball, loose pants, understand and perform simple commands (where the ball, hold it, enter it, grab it), name or showing objects.

Age 18-24 months, ask, say, point to body parts (eyes, nose, ears, mouth, etc.), ask the image or name the animals and objects around the house, talk about daily activities ( eating, drinking, bathing), exercise a line drawing, wash hands, wear-pants, throw balls, jump, and others.
Age 2-3 years, coupled with knowing and mention the color, use an adjective (big-small, hot-cold, high-low, many-few, and others), specify the name of a friend, count objects, wear clothes, toothbrush, playing cards, dolls, cook, cooking, drawing lines, circles, people, practice standing on one leg, urination / in the toilet.
After 3 years, in addition to developing abilities earlier age, stimulation is also geared for school readiness, among others, hold a pencil properly, write, recognize letters and numbers, simple arithmetic, understand simple commands (urinating / in the toilet) , and independence (left at school), share with friends, and so forth. Stimulation can be done at home (by caregivers and families), but can also be in play groups, kindergartens, or the like.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

10 Cholesterol-Lowering Foods

Many ways to lower cholesterol levels. Chemical-based drugs effectively lower cholesterol count. But of course there are side effects. You can try to lower cholesterol the natural way. There are a number of foods that can reduce levels of Low-Density Lipoproptein (LDL), aka bad cholesterol that causes plaque in blood vessels, and increase High-Density Lipoprotein (HDL) aka good cholesterol that can be utilized the body to process vitamins are soluble in fat. To reduce levels of LDL, you should reduce your intake of saturated fat. Saturated fats are usually found in animal products such as meat, milk, cream, butter, and cheese. There is also a saturated fat comes from vegetable oils such as coconut milk, coconut oil, and vegetable fat. But many foods that contain unsaturated fats that are very effective in lowering cholesterol levels. 

1. Soybeans Soybeans and derivatives, aliases such as soybeans that have been processed into tofu, tempeh, soy milk, and soy flour contains isoflavones, which are substances that can reduce LDL. But remember, though delicious tofu and tempeh can not effectively lower cholesterol when treated carelessly. For example, fried in cooking oil or mixed with coconut milk. Because, coconut milk and cooking oil are sources of saturated fat. Agency for the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recommends to consume at least 25 grams of soy protein per day to lower cholesterol levels. 

2. Nuts Nuts are a source of soluble fiber are very high. Consuming soluble fiber can reduce cholesterol. Eating beans such as chickpeas, kidney beans, long beans regularly for six weeks can reduce cholesterol levels by 10%. 

3. Salmon Salmon is very good because they contain Omega-3 acids can lower LDL and raise HDL and trigiserilda. Salmon contains EPA and DHA are good for heart health. The American Heart Association recommends at least two servings per week to get the maximum benefit. Besides salmon, tuna, trout, sardines, mackerel, and herring are also good. 

4. Avocado Avocados are a source of unsaturated fats that can increase HDL levels. Unfortunately, high-calorie avocados, so it must be combined with vegetables that can reduce calories. One medium avocado contains 300 calories and 30 grams of unsaturated fats, while normal human body needs is 1,800 calories and 30 grams of unsaturated fat per day. 

5. Garlic Since thousands of years ago, garlic was believed to contain many substances that are good for human health. Ancient Egyptians wore garlic to increase stamina. In modern times, garlic is used to lower cholesterol, prevent blood clotting, lowers blood pressure, and protects the body from infection. The most recent findings, garlic can prevent cholesterol particles stuck to the walls of blood vessels. 

6. Spinach Spinach contains a lot of lutein. Lutein is an important substance that can maintain the health and sharpness of eye function. Lutein also was able to maintain heart health because it can prevent grease build up in blood vessels. It is advisable, to eat spinach every day about half a bowl for maximum results. 

7. Margarine Several types of margarines can lower cholesterol levels. Eg margarine canola flower from seed oil 

8. Cashew, Almonds, and Walnuts Monounsaturated fat, in the cashews, almonds, and walnuts are low-fat foods are good for heart health. Nuts also contain vitamin E, magnesium, and phytochemicals yangterkait closely to heart health. Unfortunately, like avocados, nuts are very high in protein. So, do not be greedy eating beans for maximum benefit really. 

9. Tea Tea, would be drunk cold or hot, the same benefits. Tea contains antioxidants that can make blood vessels relax so avoid blood clotting. Antioxidants in tea are flavonoids can prevent LDL oxidation that lead accumulates in blood vessels. Enjoying a glass of tea every day could meet the needs of antioxidants.

10. Chocolate Chocolate was healthy. Of course, mixed with too much chocolate milk contains too much fat. So, choose a dark or bitter chocolate. Healthy chocolate because it contains many antioxidants and flavonoids. White chocolate, it does not contain substances that are consumed less healthy. The content of flavonoids in chocolate varies depending on where the chocolate is growing and the processing process.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Turning off lights when Sleep Tonight

Turning off the lights when the dark night's sleep quietly collaborating
with the body. Only in a state that really dark body
produces melatonin, a hormone in the immune system = 20
able to combat and prevent various diseases including cancer = 20
breast and prostate cancer.

Conversely, sleep with the lights on at night - no matter how small = 20
light causes the production of melatonin hormone stops.
Biologist Joan Roberts discovered the secret after the experiment = 20
in animals.

When the animals were given artificial light at night, melantoninnya = 20
decreased and the immune system is weakened.
Apparently, the lights - as well as TV - causes hormones to be = 20
very tired.

Therefore, in addition to saving energy by turning off lights when sleeping
is a natural way to improve health

Stroke? chew the seeds of tomatoes

Maybe all this while cooking, discard the tomato seeds you like, because
Your lack of love or because you feel disgusted, especially by liquids
slippery accompanying tomato seeds. But, if you know the usefulness, in times of
future could be in the recipes, you always accompanies tomato seeds

A study conducted Rowett Research Institute in Aberdeen,
Scotland discover the health benefits of tomato seeds. As quoted
health magazine Prevention, Asim K Dutta-Roy, PhD, the researcher
found, slippery liquid or contained a yellow jelly around the seeds
tomatoes, contain a compound or compounds that are effective against
stroke and heart disease.

The study also found that if you drink tomato juice without
discard seeds, then about 72 percent you have reduced the risk
occurrence of blood clots that can cause heart attacks.
Oops, small seeds that mucus was really great usefulness, huh?

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Heart Disease and Drinking Warm Water

This article is very good. Not only about the warm water after eat, but also about the heart attack. This makes sense ... Chinese and Japanese drink hot tea with their meals .. not cold water .. maybe it is time we adopt the habit of drinking warm water as their loss .. No.. even profit .. 

For those who like to drink cold water, this article is suitable for you. It is nice to have a cup of cold drink after a meal. However, water cold will solidify the oily stuff that you've just eaten. And slow down the digestion of food. When the precipitate is reacted with gastric acid, the sediment will be divided and absorbed by the intestine faster than solid foods. It will line the intestine. Very soon, this will turn into fats and lead to cancer. 

Best to drink / eat hot soup or warm water after a meal. Serious note about heart attacks: Not all symptoms searngan heart is a pain in the left arm. Beware if there is pain that continues constantly on the jaw.
Maybe we will not experience chest pain when the first heart attack. Nausea and excessive sweating also is a symptom are common. 60% of those having a heart attack when sleep does not wake up.
Pain in the jaw can wake you from sleeping soundly. Be careful and berwaspada. The more we know, the better chance we for survivors. 

A cardiologist says if they are getting this email send it to 10 people, we could save at least 1 lives.
An early indication of cancer & tumor usually begins with a full bag gall stones. Everyone tends to gall stones contain, but in certain circumstances would be a disease, the bottom of this article has given my way out, where four doctors to make sure I have an operation. Because a few weeks ago, I was exposed to hepatitis A and ultrasound results were bile I was full of stones. Gall stones full with ill will we know within normal circumstances, I only found out after doctors perform liver ultrasound and bile. According to Doctor: gall bladder operation with lift bags bile with major surgery or laparaskopi. Costs which we will remove u / surgery tsbt ranged between 40-60 million. (For operations only) 

Please read the original article at the bottom of Dr Lai Chiu-Nan, how removing gallstones without surgery and the cost is very cheap and not damaging our bodies. Subhanallah I have followed his advice and thank God I came out of all gallstones without surgery. (This is not a detox, but like cleaning the stomach). The results of my ultrasound has been full of bile stone, after doing this treatment I requested an ultrasound come back as evidence. It was true ... my gall bladder is empty ... 

Somehow I would like to thank to Dr Lai Chiu-Nan, but I just wanted to share the experience according to the intention of Dr Lai Chiu-Nan share our experience to saudara2 free. Suggestion: For those who well ... try, because when we are sick of acute or chronic ... not taste very good. This is one way of avoiding cancer and tumor and liver function bile: Neutralizes toxins in the body, neutralize fats we Bile asup to dlam body. Both are intertwined ... ... means that the net kedua2nya we have to nourish our bodies normal function of both. 

Healthy belongs to us all .. How nice if we occasionally gall bladder cleanse us.


Watermelon is believed to come from the Kalahari desert, Africa. According to the researchers, the fruit was first harvested 5,000 years ago in Egypt and according to ancestral beliefs at that time, the fruit is used for burial of kings so that they get nutrition spirits in the afterlife. And from That's where the watermelon was sent around to the countries in the world. Today, we know that that has been buried obviously can no longer enjoy watermelon nutrition. We are entitled to enjoy the delicious and how bergizinya one piece of fruit each function with a glass of water. But remember, when eating watermelon, green part near the skin is the important that you eat must come in addition to the red / yellow only. 

What are the functions of a watermelon?  

1. If you're on a diet, then the watermelon is your friend. The fruit is fat-free and have unlimited combination of sugar and water content abundant. Moreover, the fruit of this one is quickly filling in in the stomach. 
2. Watermelon is good for people with hypertension. Water content and High potassium can neutralize blood pressure. 3. Watermelon is also intensify the work of the heart. 4. Antioxidants including beta-carotene and vitamin C helps cells the body remains healthy. 5. Watermelon also serve to stimulate more rapid discharge of urine so it is good for those with impaired bowel small. 6. Watermelon can be used to reduce fever. 7. Watermelon can prevent ulcers with potent. 

Is it true that watermelon is a fruit of anti-cancer?  

All started from lycopene. Lycopene is a carotenoid components such as as beta-carotene. But diibandingkan other antioxidants, like vitamin C and E, lycopene forces in the fight against free radicals far more powerful. Free radicals are going out of control, either because of the chaotic eating patterns, pollution or negative thoughts, decreased immune. Consequently yes various diseases and skin tubuhpun becomes dry, dull and sagging. With the lycopene found in watermelon, free radicals can directly lame! 

Lycopene is able to crush the seeds of cancer. Many eating watermelon, even every day was no problem, it can shrink the cancer risk cervical and pancreatic cancer in women. Against gastrointestinal cancers, lycopene watermelon unable to stop until the risk is reduced half, such as oral cavity cancer, esophagus cancer, cancer stomach cancer, colon cancer, rectal cancer. Similarly with prostate cancer. Wow! 

In addition, lycopene is useful to create a glowing face, looked fresh and younger. For the elderly, the melon not only helps restore the health problems more quickly, but also helps improve memory and mental acuity. 

POWERFUL FRUITS Watermelon called for men, is it true?  

Lycopene in watermelon kasiat also donated specifically for men married. This fruit can increase fertility and help male sexual arousal. For those who missed had offspring, the fruit can also be very helpful. Believe it or not, studies show that compounds sitrulin in watermelon, have a great effect with the same afrosidiak viagra, but with absolutely no side effects. Want to try? 

Local watermelon seed, seedless watermelon, yellow watermelon, watermelon red, watermelon imports, round watermelon, watermelon oval, or varieties wherever it is, watermelon remains excellent and nutritious fruit high! Make fruit you love this as a gift for the family. Enjoyed no matter how safe you Like any fresh and incomparable.