Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Want to Diet, It's How the Right

Diet, diet and diet. The word diet is arguably one of hope for individuals who crave the body beautiful Spanish guitar. Unfortunately, not a few individuals who've entered the level of obsession like to travel a short way by adopting a diet that is not true. The result is not beautiful and proportionate bodies obtained but sickly body that must be seconded infusion hospital. Well here, dietary guidelines quoted from Yahoohealth, Thursday (4 / 11):
1. Expand the exercise and a balanced food intake between the nutrient and calorie
From a number of cases, a person who often ignore the composition of dietary intake and exercise routine. There are individuals who tend to exercise regularly but do not maintain the diet. Conversely, there are also individuals who are good at keeping the composition of food intake but lazy exercise.
2. Monitor your weight. 
By monitoring the weight, the individual can know the development of a diet that has been done. For the record, body weight is also a motivation to undergo a diet.
3. Avoid snacks. 
You know, snacking on a big portion is tantamount to eating lunch and dinner. The solution, if you who prefer snacking can choose snacks that have a composition that does not threaten calorie diet that has been done. In addition, fiber-rich snack choices to be filling. The key to success someone on a diet heavily influenced by one's success in keeping the snacks.

4. Keep your portions. 
The principle is the same when you are snacking. Note the nutritional composition. Most nutrition experts recommend that individual to avoid the consumption of fatty foods. Consumption of foods rich in protein and fiber is recommended.
5. Do not forget breakfast. 
Some individuals consider the same breakfast ruin your diet. The principle was actually wrong. In fact, breakfast helps individuals obtain enough energy to menujang activity for half a day. Logically, breakfast helps you consume more calories at lunch.
6. Salad, alternative weight loss diet
Salad is rich in fiber are required of individuals who are on a diet. It must be recognized, not everyone liked the salad. Therefore, other fiber-rich foods such as whole wheat bread can be an option.

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